
The filtering system offers a robust search that allows you to refine your results based on various criteria. You can apply filters to narrow down your search. Examples of filters:

  • Source: Identify the origin of the data, such as specific databases, email accounts, or cloud storage services.

  • Time Boundary: Specify a date range to find documents or records created or modified within a particular period.

  • File Type: Search for specific types of files, like PDFs, Word documents, or spreadsheets.

  • File Extension: Look for files with specific extensions, such as .docx, .xlsx, or .pdf.

  • File Size: Filter results by the size of the files, which can be useful for managing storage or finding larger documents.

  • Person or Contact: Locate data related to a specific team member or contact, making it easier to find emails, reports, or collaborative documents.

  • Organization: Search for documents and records associated with a particular organization.

For example, if you need to find all emails from a specific client sent within the last month, you can set filters for the source (email), time boundary (last month), and contact name (client's name).

Additionally, facets allow you to index specific properties of your data. Facets can be added to attributes to categorize and filter data more efficiently. For instance, you can create a facet for a project name or department, enabling you to quickly find all documents related to a particular project or team.

Using filters and facets helps streamline your search process by providing precise and relevant results, thereby enhancing productivity and making it easier to manage large volumes of data.

If you have any questions about filters, please contact us at

Last updated